Glinka State Prize of the RSFSR

The Glinka State Prize of the RSFSR (Государственная премия РСФСР имени М.И. Глинки) was a prize awarded to musicians of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from 1965-1990.

To be distinguished from the Glinka Award (of 500 rubles) won in 1904 by Rachmaninov, and three times by Reinhold Glière.

Partial list of recipients


  1. ^ Оборин Лев Николаевич (in Russian)
  2. ^ Шебалин Дмитрий Виссарионович
  3. ^ Хренников Тихон Николаевич (in Russian)
  4. ^ Соколов Владислав Геннадиевич (in Russian)
  5. ^ Ворошило Александр Степанович (in Russian)
  6. ^ Александр Владимирович (in Russian)
  7. ^ Alexander Korchagin

See also